Friday, May 22, 2020

Use Remote Software To Become A Freelance IT Professional

Use Remote Software To Become A Freelance IT Professional With the countless complex functions performed by computers in todays workplace, the skills needed to update, upgrade, and repair those machines are far more complex than they were 20 or even ten years ago.  That has created a huge market among small businesses for technical support. Maybe its time to strike out on your own as a freelance IT specialist. Think of it: A large employer, with dozens of workers slugging away at computers all day, has enough demand for IT help that its cost-effective to hire someone full-time for the work. That someone may be you. But what of the dozens of small businesses in your town without enough staff to justify a person just for that work  Believe it or not, of the 5.9 million firms in the United States, around 5.7 million of them have fewer than 100 employees. Its a safe bet that nearly all of those employees are utilizing computers for at least some of their daily functions.  And those establishments are doing far more with their computers than drafting a few letters or playing Solitaire.  They are engaged in e-commerce, with millions of dollars changing hands via their systems. Keeping those functions in place is economic life or death. Freelance writers are silenced when the computer locks up. Sales people miss connections when email shuts down.  Even  automotive repair  workers who spend most of their time operating tools are likely to clock in and out electronically. Every one of those functions will occasionally require some skilled intervention. Enter the IT specialistthe freelance IT specialist. Namely, you. Freelance IT Specialist Youre the life preserver when something starts to sink, and a quick dial of your number brings relief to a panicked owner/operator whose financial future hinges on proper functioning of the business.  Your quick response and knowledgeable actions turn a potential disaster to another smooth-flowing day. But if thats just one of your dozens of clients, how will you be able to dart in quickly and remedy what ails them? Whos to say you wont be up to your elbows in a server crash across town when a fix-it-yesterday problem emerges elsewhere? One remedy is to familiarize yourself with remote access software. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you  are in control of any machine in the place.  Service access like this resolves most of the common IT problems, avoiding a time-consuming (and costly) trip to the client for you while still  getting them back to full operational ability. Even when you cant fix the entire problem remotely, you can still diagnose a great deal of the problem in many cases.  That  allows you to start crafting solutions, identifying needed resources, and planning your day to permit rapid resolution. Its a solution thats beneficial for everyone involved. Businesses get top-drawer IT support from an experienced, skilled person. You get the independent lifestyle you want. And maybe your old employer gets the clue.

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